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We are a jewelry company. We have 2 different event types: Physical Consultations & Virtual Consultations (already live). We have 2 staffs handling both.


1) How to add schedule for each agent separately, map them to the 2 events and book appointments as per their availability?

2) For time slots when both agents are available, we'd like to accept 2 appointments for each time slot. Will the system crosscheck agents availability across both forms and determine accordingly whom to assign the appointment?


Hey there @With32068 - great questions here! You will want to check out both our New User Guide and our Company Admin Guide - they’ll answer a lot of your questions as you get started!

  1. You’ll need to add each agent as an additional user within your organization - I’ll share more info on this below. 
  2. You can do this after adding both agents to your org and setting up a team page along with one of a few options. More below there, too!

We have plenty of resources for you to learn about creating a team and setting up team events! The first step is adding your desired team members to your account from your Admin Management page. Then, you can set up a team page. Your team page will have all of your events specific to that team: round robin or collective.

Round Robin events will allow your invitees to book an appointment at any time at least one assigned team member is available. Collective events allow invitees to book an appointment when all assigned team members are available. 

If you'd like a more thorough breakdown of the team features, check out this recording that walks through the basics of using Calendly with your team. 

I personally suggest setting up a team page and using Round Robin Event Types for your use case. You can set up one Round Robin for the in-person and one for the virtual consults and assign both hosts to each event. This will result in the event pulling both host’s availability and displaying it appropriately on the booking pages, and both hosts being booked back and forth depending on the settings you choose in the event types. 

I hope this helps! Check out these community articles as well: