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Booking confirmation displays different time than meeting in Calendly

  • 4 April 2024
  • 3 replies

Why does my invitation show a time 4 hours offset from the time I sent?  For instance, for a 2:40pm – 2:55pm (Eastern Time - New York), the subject heading shows 6:40 PM - 6:55 PM. (I’m sending it to myself, so the time zone should be the same.)

Hey there, @John02342 - great question, and thanks for your post!

Do you mind providing a bit more context, here? Screenshots of where you are seeing this would also be helpful!

The first thing that comes to mind is that (even with sending the test invite to yourself) you are “in a different time zone” as the invitee on the booking page when booking that test event. Calendly intelligently detects the time zone of your invitees based on their device settings. When they visit your scheduling page, your availability will be displayed in their time zone. You can learn more about Calendly's time zone settings here.

The second possibility is that your own calendar and associated email address (that you are sending the test invite to) is in a different time zone than your Calendly account is set up to be in. If this is the case, the time on the calendar invitation displayed will be in time zone the calendar/email account is in. 

Read the below article for more of a breakdown on time zone issues: 

If this info doesn’t resolve the issue, please provide those screenshots/further context and I will be happy to dig deeper for you!

Looking forward to hearing back from you!


Hi Kelsi,

Thank you for your response. I discovered that somehow the timezone on my computer had reset. Not sure how that happened, but it’s fixed now.

Hi Kelsi,

Thank you for your response. I discovered that somehow the timezone on my computer had reset. Not sure how that happened, but it’s fixed now.

Ah - that will do it! I am so glad you were able to figure that out, and that things are running smoothly now. Back to Easy Scheduling for you! 🤗 Let us know if you have any questions down the line - we’ll be here.