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Booking multiple appoitments at once.

  • 29 April 2024
  • 4 replies


I wanted to include my voice in the conversation around clients booking multiple appointment times in one shot. 

It was direct feedback I received from a client today whom booked 5 sessions upfront with me. Her feedback was that the process would have been much smoother had she been able to select 5 appointments in one checkout, vs doing each one separately.

I hope this feature finds its way to this service soon.


Hey there @Wes32651 - thank you so much for presenting this feedback to us here in community!

I will make sure it’s included in our monthly report - you got in just under the wire for April!

I cannot make any promises about if/when an update to the booking flow might be implemented, but can promise to elevate your voice. 

I hope you have a great day! 

@Wes32651 - sorry to double comment, but I’d rather do that so you are notified vs. editing my above comment, which you might miss! 

Would you be willing to provide more details about your use case for us, here?

Example: when you say your invitee mentioned to you that it would be smoother to “check out” all five bookings at once, can you elaborate? Is this a paid event? Are you providing some sort of paid service? 

If so, what would the ideal booking flow look like for you/your invitees if you were able to design it, have it perfectly set up for you? 

Having more details is always best - I want to be able to really outline what it is that our customers are asking for here when they post!


As a breathwork facilitator, I offer multiple sessions that clients can book as a group. Currently, they must book each session individually on the Calendly platform, which can be time-consuming and less efficient for clients who wish to book multiple sessions at once. Ideally, the booking flow would allow attendees to view my entire calendar availability, select their first session time and date, and then continue to add different times and dates until they reach their desired number of sessions—all before entering their personal details.

For example, one of my clients recently booked a package that included five breathwork sessions. She mentioned that it would have been much more convenient for her to book all five sessions at once, rather than having to input her name and contact information separately for each session. Such a streamlined process would greatly enhance the user experience, making it simpler and more inviting for clients to commit to multiple sessions.

We envision a checkout process where clients can select all their sessions in one view, review their selections, and then provide their personal information and payment only once. This would not only make the booking experience smoother but also encourage more clients to sign up for multiple sessions, knowing that the process is hassle-free.

I hope this detailed explanation helps outline our specific requirements and the improvements we are looking for. We look forward to any potential enhancements based on this feedback.

Thank you so much, @Wes32651, for your detailed response. I really do appreciate it!

I will make sure it’s seen by “the right eyes” so that it can be considered when they are making updates to Calendly in the future.

Thanks again - and I hope that you have a good evening!