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Booking Notifications Sent to More than the Host

  • 18 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi Calendly Community,

How do I create a notification so that every time a booking is made in Calendly, the host and two others within the organization will be notified?  I have Admin access but I am not the host.

Any guidance is appreciated, thanks all.

Hey there @Jason48666 -- great question!


At this time, Calendly will only notify the Calendly user that is booked with the event, and the invitee. That being said, we do have a workaround that may help!

You can set up a forwarding filter in your inbox to automatically forward all emails received from You can even forward notifications for a specific event type by filtering by subject titles that include the event type name. This will not post the events directly on another calendar, but it may be helpful in making this process a bit easier if that is needed.

I hope this helps - but let me know if you have any additional questions. I’m here to answer them! 

Thanks Kelsi!

You’re very welcome, @Jason48666! Hope it helps!