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Branding image not appearing on scheduling page

  • 1 September 2024
  • 1 reply

I’ve added a branding image to my account, and it’s appearing at the top of each different event type. 

The UI also says that the image will appear in the top-left corner of my scheduling page – but it’s not. This is the case both when viewing the page on the Calendly site, and when displaying it as an inline embed, and is true for both Chrome and Safari on the Mac.

Calendly branding is turned off, and correctly hidden.

Is this a bug, or has the feature been deprecated?


Hi Bob!

Hmm. That’s a tricky one and definitely something where being able to see into your account would make all the troubleshooting difference. Unfortunately that’s not something we can do here in community for privacy reasons, so I’d recommend heading on over here to start up a ticket with our Support team. They’ll definitely be able to help!
