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We have a round robin event among 3 different team members that is 30 minutes long with a 15 minute buffer after the meeting. However, one of the team members is routinely booked backed to back (to back) without the buffer. i.e. meetings at 9, 9:30, and 10. How so, please and thank you.



Hi @Dominik76684,


There might be a buffer not set up on their individual event types. If a 30 minute buffer is set on the Round Robin event, for example, that event won’t schedule if there is a perceived conflict within that buffer time. So, if your round robin event is an hour long and has a 30 minute buffer, someone wants to schedule you at 11:00am, but there is already an existing meeting on an individual’s calendar at 12:15 then Calendly would read that as a conflict and not schedule your round robin. However, if the individual who is hosting the round robin has other one-on-one event types, the round robin buffer wouldn’t apply to individual meetings scheduled after the round robin is already on the calendar. That person would need to set up buffers for each of the one-on-one meetings. The Round Robin buffer only takes effect when the Round Robin is being scheduled not when later individual meetings are being scheduled. I’m leaving a couple resources on Buffers and Round Robins below.


How to use buffers

What to do when you're unavailable but should be free

How to Set Up a Round Robin Team Event