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Hi there, I used to have a feature in square when I can show only a % of my available appontments. How do I go about setting that up  in calendly without manually booking timeslots in my Google calendar- setting this up manually is very challenging when trying to keeep up with scheduling,




Hi @Larisa80303,

We don’t have a feature exactly like that (open a % of appointments), but we do have a lot of other features that help users control how booked up they get including max events, buffers, minimum notice, and more. You can learn about these settings here and here. I’d also consider looking into modifying your availability (Event editor > Scheduling settings > Hours and calendar settings) in events as well. For example, I’ve got events that can happen once a day with 24 hours notice and only Monday through Thursday between 10-4. Other events are wide open depending on the intended audience.

Hope this helps!

Hi Jillian, thank you kindly to taking time to respond to my request. I truly appreciate your response.

I wil have to admit that I am disappointed that Calendly does not have % availability feature, as that feature randomly distributes your appointment availability.  I am aware of all other settings in Calendly, but once you set them, they have the same settings for all the upcoming weeks. In your example above “ events that can happen once a day with 24 hours notice and only Monday through Thursday between 10-4. “ will always display the same availability for all upcoming weeks unless there is an actual  booking… with % availability… one week you may display that you are available on Monday this week, but on Tuesday the next. I hope Calendly adds this feature to their product.

Thank you so much for your response.

With Love & Gratitude, 
