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Calendar View Booking Page

  • 18 July 2024
  • 8 replies

I have multiple event types on my schedule, and I’d like it to show my calendar view to show what events are open to attendees. On my booking link, it only shows the event type for them to click on, not a calendar view. I’d like them to see the calendar view, not the event type view. Is this possible? 

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8 replies

Userlevel 7

Hey there @ChanningCandies -- great question. Thanks for your post!


Yes! 💃🏼 This is absolutely possible. You simply need to Share Your Calendly Link for your booking page, not a specific event type. That hyperlink goes over how!


🔎 Here’s some screenshots that goes over how, too!


📃 To share a specific event type: 

  • you click the “share” button on that ET
  • from here you select how you’d prefer to share the ET booking link


Click “share” on any ET to share just that ET’s booking page

🔗 To share your entire booking page with all ETs: 

  • you can click the “gear” ⚙️ icon to the top/right of your Calendly landing page
    • from here, click “copy link” 
    • share as you wish
  • you can also copy/paste the link that is written across the top of your landing page
    • from here, copy to whomever you’d like
Click the “gear” ⚙️ icon > click “copy link”, or
Copy the link at the top of your landing page (next to your avatar)



I hope this helps! 🤗

Thanks for the response. I did share that one, but it only shows each event type, not the calendar view. I want clients to be able to see a calendar when they click my link. 

Userlevel 7

Thanks for the response. I did share that one, but it only shows each event type, not the calendar view. I want clients to be able to see a calendar when they click my link. 

Hey again! I totally understand, now. I’m sorry for misreading at first! 

You will have to choose between an immediate calendar view (what happens when you share a single ET) and your booking page with all ETs (which first prompts an invitee to choose an ET for booking > brings them to the calendar view for the selected ET next). 

I hope this helps!

I understand what you’re saying, but it’s not what I’m looking for unfortunately.


I want someone to be able to click on my calendar and view all events I have openings for. 
Right now, when they click my link, it shows each event type, not the calendar. They must click on the type, and it only shows that type open on the calendar. I want one general calendar to show all event types with openings. 

Userlevel 7

I understand what you’re saying, but it’s not what I’m looking for unfortunately.


I want someone to be able to click on my calendar and view all events I have openings for. 
Right now, when they click my link, it shows each event type, not the calendar. They must click on the type, and it only shows that type open on the calendar. I want one general calendar to show all event types with openings. 

I understand what you are saying and what you want. I really am sorry, but, that’s not possible right now. That is why I said you will have to choose between the two options I went over, above.

I will make sure to note this feedback for our product team, though! It’s very valuable and we appreciate it. I do hope you have a good day! 

Thanks for the feedback. I”d love to see that option in the future.

Userlevel 7

Thanks for the feedback. I”d love to see that option in the future.

Of course -- and so would I! If I had it my way I’d immediately implement all features customers ask for, but, that’s probably why I am not the one designing the product. That would be wayyy too many features! 🤣 I hope you have a good night! 


for us, it would be great too to just have a calendar view. We offer the same type of service, with different lengths which depend on how many people are available in our team. So for our clients it does not make a difference. Maybe it would be possible to have different length options linked to different availability schedules under the same event type...

It would also be great, if the booking would just show the starting time of the event.

We hope this features can be included.
