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Calendly Availability Screens

  • 24 April 2024
  • 3 replies

How we redirect calendly user availability screen on our web application?

Hey there @Developer58015 - welcome to community, and thanks for your post! 🤗

Forgive me if I am off-the-mark here, but I believe you are asking how to redirect your invitees after they’ve booked with your Calendly users. Assuming this is true, I’ll provide that information now, and if you are looking for help with something else you can clarify for me and I’ll come back to answer that, too! Let’s dig right in. 🕵🏻

Our redirect tool is very simple to use, and easy to set up! The “Redirect your Invitees to a Custom URL from your Booking Page” section of the community article linked below goes over redirects in detail. The same article also goes into a lot of useful detail about other event type settings, such as event location, allowing invitees to add additional guests on the booking page, Invitee Questions On Your Booking Page and more. Check it out:

Here is that section, to make it easier (including a tutorial video!): 

Not only can you allow your invitees to book with you directly on your own website by embedding your booking page, but, you might want to redirect your invitees to specific pages on those websites (or to another website or online form) after they’ve booked! 🙌🏻

GREAT NEWS - this is something users on our StandardTeams and Enterprise plans can do very easily! 

Check on this video I created that goes over how to redirect, then read a bit more about it below! 

As seen in the video, I redirected (as an example!) to our Help Center article that goes over how you can accomplish this yourself. You can read that same article right here✅

Additionally, I briefly mentioned in the video that you can choose whether or not to “pass event details to your redirected page” - by selecting "pass event details..." then booking a test event, you will be able to see that event details will be added within the URL automatically on your redirected page. We still recommend the assistance of a web developer to build custom thank you pages and to track with coding. 

So there you have it! Again, if this is not what you were asking for help with, let me know and I’ll be here!

p.s. check out our New User Guide - it’s full of tips + tricks to get you started. 


Hello @Kelsi at Calendly 

Can we connect for this because we don’t understand your point , My point is different I can clarify on the call.
Please schedule a Meeting.

Hello @Kelsi at Calendly 

Can we connect for this because we don’t understand your point , My point is different I can clarify on the call.
Please schedule a Meeting.

Hey there! I’m so sorry, but I won’t be able to schedule a meeting with you. You can reach out to our support team. They are available 24/7 and will be able to schedule a call if needed, too! Just log into your account and click “chat now” to get to them.

You can also tell me more about what you need, here, and I can help further! 
