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I have two issues: 

My Calendly continues to lose connection with my Microsoft Calendar.

My Calendly link continues to lose connection with the Calendly Availability. 

I like Calendly when it works but it is becoming a full-time job to keep fixing this.  Is there a way to permanently fix it?



Hey there @Donna61282 -- sorry to hear about this!

Usually, when a calendar connection goes haywire, disconnecting and reconnecting it yourself will solve the issue. Try this out!

Regarding your Calendly link disconnecting from your Calendly availability -- do you mind elaborating more here, so I can assist? =) 

Looking forward to hearing back from you!

Thank you Kelsi.  I will try the disconnect and reconnecting. As far as the Calendly link disconnecting from availability I will try and explain it better.  If I give someone my calendly link and they click on it to view availability it does not open the availability .  I always test the links too. However they seem to lose their connection.  



Hey there again, @Donna61282!

This is not expected behavior (the availability issue).

Please make sure you are sharing the correct link. Read more here: Share Your Calendly Link

Additionally, please make sure you have applied the correct Availability Schedule to your event type.

Lastly, check out these event type settings in the event you are sharing: 

  • date range
  • start time increments
  • availability 

Let me know if this helps!