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everyone is over-thinking this much needed feature. OVERRIDE means:

 if I click on TROUBLESHOOT - I should be able to MANUALLY SCHEDULE any hour/time on THAT DAY. Regardless of appointments. Then CONFIRM. MANUAL OVERRIDE. of the DAY.

It’s that simple - Troubleshoot > open MANUAL DAY SCHEDULE - warning of double-booking > ACCEPT.


This seems very easy to implement, do you think we’ll see this feature soon?


Love calendly - true time-saver.




Hey ​@James07503 - Thanks for reaching out!

We actually do have a feature on this, although you won’t see it on your events page. 

Instead, you’ll need to go to your Contacts Page, then select book meeting on a specific user! Here, you’ll have some additional options. The process would look like this:

Navigate to your Contacts tab.
Contacts Tab.png

Select Book Meeting next to the contact you are looking to reach out to.

Select the event you’d like to book

Contacts Select an Event Type to share.png


Here, you’ll have a few options:


  1. Edit the Title, Duration or Location
  2. Add any guests to the meeting
  3. Override your availability by selecting the button on the top right

Once you select the Override option, it’ll give you the option to select anytime. 

Let me know if you have any questions!

Thanks David - that’s really helpful! question: can’t you add that feature to EVERY booking page? Rather than having to create a NEW EVENT each time? 

Example: I often need the OVERRIDE capability when I am RESCHEDULING an appointment. This happens all the time. 


Is it possible to access override on the DAY ITSELF and/or RESCHEDULE?


thanks again, really appreciate it!

~James C

Hi ​@James07503!

It isn’t available any other way right now, but I think it’s likely we’ll see the functionality expand past new events being scheduled through Contacts. I’ll definitely pass your feedback along to Product though!

Thanks Jillian - it’s a great feature that can optimize flow if you can just override anywhere in the process..thx again! 
