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Hi guys I am struggeling to set up Calendly.
Right now we use several differnt Calendly Accounts which are connected to their own google calendar. We are doing this to be able to offer video appointments and showroom appointments at the same time.


Our simple goal is to show the 4 events (assigned to 3 different google accounts/calendly team members) in an overview like here Maintaining the availability times for every team member from our admin account. But even though I assigend the events to the members, they only show up on their own booking page.


(How) is it possible to show all group events & to manage the availability from one account?

I appreciate your help!

Hi @NicoB!

It sounds like what you need is a team page. You can learn more about team pages here:

A team page let’s you sort of replicate what you’d see on an individuals booking page but now at your team level. It also gives you a ton more visibility into creating, viewing, and modifying scheduled team events and event types.

Hope this helps!

Hi @jillian thank you for your reply. I tried it already with the team pages but there is no option for an one-on-one event which I would need in this case. 


And regarding availabilty. Is it true that I can’t manage the availability from one (main) account for every team member? 

Hi @jillian so I guess this is not possible?

Hi @jillian thank you for your reply. I tried it already with the team pages but there is no option for an one-on-one event which I would need in this case. 


And regarding availabilty. Is it true that I can’t manage the availability from one (main) account for every team member? 

Hey there! We are sorry for the delay - I’m taking over for Jillian now! 🙂 Luckily, this is my area of expertise and I have fabulous workarounds for you!!! 

What she suggested regarding the team page was spot on. You will need to set up your events on a team page in order for them to be assigned to different hosts yet appear on one main booking page. While it’s true there is no way to create a true one-on-one event type on a team page, we do have a very easy workaround for this that many owners/admins use every day at Calendly! This is done by using a Round Robin Event Type with a single host as a one-on-one (the same can be done with a Collective Event Type). You can read about making that happen in the article below: 

Additionally, yes - it’s true that you cannot technically manage the overall availability for each team member from your account. Availability is an individually controlled feature. However, you can absolutely control the availability for each host within the team event types you assign to them! So, once you’ve set up a team page, created each “one-on-one” event on that teams page and assigned each to a host - you’ll be able to set up the availability for each event from within its settings. Read more here

If you'd like a more thorough breakdown of the team features, check out this recording that walks through the basics of using Calendly with your team. 

I hope this helps!