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I have a premium plan with a couple users. There is no way to email, call, chat, etc. with any support team from calendly.

So this is my last resort effort to try to get a response as multiple emails have gone with no replies. Can someone help?

issue: My account was over billed. When I removed a seat, no prorated amount was deducted. However, when i added a seat, charged me a prorated amount for it. So this just seems to be a bug in your seat system. however, I need someone to respond as I have no idea how to contact the support team.

Hi ​@Blake - Sorry to hear this is going on!

Since this is in regards to billing issues, I would recommend two ways, as we won’t be able to make any action on our end.

  1. Email our billing team directly at
  2. Since you have a paid plan, you can use our chat bot over on our help center here:
    Just ask the bot for an agent to be connected over chat! I just tested this on my end so you shouldn’t see any issues. If you do, try using a different browser or an incognito window.

let me know if you run into anything else!

  1. As I have already stated, I have. Multiple times over 2 weeks with no reply.
  2. On this page, nothing appears. I will try on another browser maybe that is the issue.

Understood - Let me know if you run into anything else!

Understood - Let me know if you run into anything else!

yep. need help- after chatting with them they said they need to reach out to the billing team. Are you the billing team, can I speak with the billing team? Thanks.

Hi ​@Blake!

The billing team is separate from us, as we handle everything on the Community side. I checked with support on your issue and it looks like your ticket has been escalated to that team, they are reviewing it so you should hear back very soon.

I guess I will never get an answer from billing, support nor anyone at calendly besides a community manager? Being overbilled falsely, then not being responded to after chatting w the AI widget, and being told “someone will get back to me” and being over a month, its pretty discouraging. 

Does anyone else have a horrid time with contacting any support people?

Apologies for the wait you experienced Blake - I’ve gotten in touch with them again to see what might of happened. You should see a response from them shortly.

