My school uses Calendly to schedule parent-teacher conferences. Each teacher sets up a schedule with slots to book into. On the parent side, this is very cumbersome. I have to open up a separate window for each teacher I want to meet with, find a meeting time with each so that the meetings cluster together back-to-back (so I don’t have to spend an entire day meeting teachers for 20 minutes with large gaps of time between them). And on top of that, I have to do this separate for each kid and each different group of teachers. So, if I want to meet with 5 teachers each for 2 kids, I need to have 10 windows open, line up all the time slots so that nothing overlaps but doesn’t have a large gap between appointments. Often, I get a perfect schedule lined up and ready to book, only to find that another parent swooped in and grabbed one of the appointments I wanted, and then I have to start all over again.
Can Calendly take all the slots the teachers enter, and then have parents enter the times they are available and which teachers they want to meet with (we don’t need to meet with every teacher), and then have the software generate a schedule automatically that puts the appointments into a compact cluster? The only way I could see this working would be to have ALL the parents enter the above preferences by a deadline, and after the deadline, the school could generate the schedule.