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Can I book events for others?

  • 8 December 2023
  • 3 replies



First of all, I love Calendly for the purpose of organizing any meeting with invitees as it’s super fast and simple.

However, as a recruiter I always struggled to find a similarly streamlined solution to organize interviews for others (meaning I’m not part of the event). Typically, I would have to ask them for their availability or double-triple cross-check multiple calendars for shared slots and then again confirm the candidate’s availability.

My issue with Calendly solutions I have seen so far is that it only allows events or polls to be created based on the assumption that I’m either participating or need to suggest some timeslots myself.

What I am looking for is a way to create an event type or poll that allows invitees to independently enter their availability into a “blank” calendar, only giving me the shared slots as a result and thus allowing me to book meetings within times that work for everyone. 

Have I missed a way of doing so with existing solutions or could this perhaps be created? 

Many thanks for your help!

Hi @Valentina27432!

Great question. The not so great news is that there’s no easy way of doing what you’re describing, so I’m going to add this to my December Product feedback round up and will absolutely make some noise on your behalf!

As for the ‘no easy way’, there’s a bit of a workaround. It’s not stunning, but it’s something!

I’m assuming in this scenario that out of you, the people running the interview, and the interviewee - you’re the only one actually using Calendly? Right? If that’s the case, a potential solution might be to create a separate account just for scheduling purposes that doesn’t check for conflicts (I’d link it to a sub-calendar that isn’t your primary calendar) and exists purely to facilitate interviews. You can then use the meeting poll functionality to provide some logical time slots (ie, this week, next week, only on next 3 Wednesdays, etc.) for the interviewer and interviewee and once the right time is evident, you book it for them like you described. Your facilitator persona would be technically on the meeting invite, but this wouldn’t seem weird at all I think! I’ve been on many interviews where there’s ‘someone’ on the invite, but you can tell it’s a administrative or workflow presence.

I hope this helps a bit. And I hope we’ll have some improved functionality for our recruiting friends soon!

And if we’re wrong in the assumption that you’re the only one using Calendly, let us know! If your interviewers are using it too, then there are a number of ways to accomplish what you’re talking about, with collaborative + team features :)

Thanks Jillian and Danielle!

It would be amazing if something could indeed be developed!
The assumption is correct, I’m the only one using Calendly, and the invited people (even the interviewers) are in many cases not part of my organization and don’t have a seat themselves.

Also many thanks for the workaround idea, I will give it a try! :)