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Hi all, 

I use Calendly purely to schedule appointments with clients and send reminders. I don’t have clients making appointments directly and I don’t want them to be able to see the schedule.

I can’t work out how to limit visibility of the schedule to just me but also be able to make appointments. At the moment I have to go into Scheduling Settings and change the “Invitees can see # calendar days into the future” to enable me to make appointments (however many days ahead) then once its booked go and set it back to 1 calendar day. 

I know Calendly is designed around multiple people being able to access a schedule to make appointment but it’s not my use case so if I can’t solve this I’ll have to switch.

Hi @Dr13770,

Hmmm. That’s a great question.

One-off meetings might be a perfect solution. I really like these because it gives you total control of how much of your schedule is visible and the link is easy to share or even insert your selected times in an email. You can learn more about one-off meetings here:

The other thing I’d look into is using Contacts + Book Meeting. Like one-off meetings, this gives you a lot of control over what is shared and with who. You can learn more here:

Does this help? Let us know!