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Can I set my booking pages to show me as unavailable all day whenever I have a busy calendar event on that day?

  • 17 January 2024
  • 1 reply

I would like calendly to show my as unavailable for appointments on days that I have something later in the day schduled.  For instance, I usually book early 8 am on site appts and my afternoons are busy with other tasks so I only have available 3 hour windows between 8-11am everyday.  But, I have a doctor appt at 12:30 one day and don’t want to book an on-site appt that day.  I have synced the calendar that its on, but calendly is still showing me as available that day.  Is there a way I can set calendly to see an event at any point during a day and show me as unavailable on trying to schedule an appt?



Hi @goodboy428,

That's a great question! For some background, Calendly essentially sits on top of your connected external calendar(s). It checks for events marked “Busy” and interprets them as conflicts, preventing invitees from scheduling new events at those times. Calendly will read the Free/Busy status of your time-specific events as well as your all-day events. This said, at this time it is not possible to block off an entire day any time you have a time-specific “Busy” event scheduled within your Calendly availability window.


With this in mind, on days when you do not wish to receive any on-site bookings, you can either:

  1. Add an all-day event to your external calendar marked as “Busy”
  2. Update your Calendly availability using date-specific hours to block that day off. 


I hope this helps! If you have any other questions please feel free to reach back out!