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Can I use calendly to offer joining an online class that I'm hosting?

  • 11 March 2024
  • 5 replies

Can I use calendly to offer joining an online class that I'm hosting?

the class is in specific dates and hours (not always in the same weekly day)

I want my clients to choose a class and join it while the number of participants is limited.

Hi @Talia Gutman!

You can definitely do that using a Group Event Type. More info on the event type here: The tl;dr is that group events let you set up an event with a maximum number of attendees. They’re ideal for classes, workshops, volunteering, and tons of other use cases.

As for the specific dates and hours, I’d recommend setting up a specific availability schedule just for this event so the only times available are the right ones. You can learn more about setting up schedules here: You’ll basically want to create a schedule that is generally blocked off except for specific date/time overrides applicable to the online classes.

Hope this helps!

Hi Jillian, thanks for the quick reply. 

A problem that occurs once I made a specific availability schedule as you advised me to - is that it still relays on my Google calendar availability. In the Google calender I blocked this hours so I’ll know I have a class at the specific time. How can I overcome this? 

Another question, once the first participant registered to the class, Calendly allows more people to join? still in the participants limit. 

Hey there @Talia Gutman - great followup questions, here! I am jumping in and taking over for Jillian - so nice to “meet” you! =) 

As you’ve seen, if you block off time on your Google Calendar with a “busy” event, that time will be read as a “conflict” by Calendly. You will need to make sure that time blocks on your Google Calendar are marked as “free” instead of “busy” for this reason. You can still add those time blocks on your Google Calendar (and you could even title them “Busy” so that others do not book with you via Google Calendar during those times) - as long as the event status on Google Cal is “free” Calendly will allow bookings over it.

To your second point - yes! As long as you have set up a Group Event Type, once an invitee books a time slot on that Group Event type, the remaining slots will still be able to be booked by other invitees (until all slots are filled). So, if you make the invitee limit “3” then 2 spots will remain after 1 invitee books. I hope this helps!

Did it! Yes! my class are up for grabs :)

Thanks Kelsi! you helped me a lot


Did it! Yes! my class are up for grabs :)

Thanks Kelsi! you helped me a lot


Wooo hooo! I hope that you have 100% signup success!