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I want the ability to create multiple events (which I have), but I want to set up a single availability schedule that the two events can share. For example: Next Tuesday, I’m available from 10:00 am to 4 pm. I have “Let’s Chat” and “Audit a Course” events. When someone books an appointment at 11:00 am for a Let’s Chat event, the time is no longer available on the Audit a Course event calendar.

I do have my Google Calendar synced with both event types. I’m hoping that scheduling the event into my Google calendar will cause the availablity to disappear in the other event type.

I hope that makes sense. I do hope that this is possible or the administration of the calendar will be impossible.


Hi @KnownUniverse!

I’m glad to say this is exactly what Calendly can do for you. Anytime an event is added to your calendar - either from Calendly or outside - the time is removed so you aren’t getting double booked.

In the process of setting up your account you have (or will if you haven’t yet!) end up connecting calendar(s) to check for conflicts and a calendar to add events to. It sounds like in your case, the calendar that the event is added to should be the one both of those events check and add to. You can learn a bit more about that here:

To give you a bit of an example, I have 4 active event types on my account. All 4 check my Calendly work calendar and as new scheduled events get booked, the time is removed from my Calendly availability across all 4 events and the event shows up on my work calendar.

Hope this helps!