
Can't find the meeting notes on the past meeting excel

  • 17 April 2024
  • 3 replies

  • Community Member
  • 1 reply

I use to add meeting notes to past events. where can I find them? is there a way to include them in the exported excel file of the past events?

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3 replies

Userlevel 6

Hi @LMS!

Meeting notes are still there and yes, you can export them. Both are covered in this article here.

Dear @jillian

the export available fields are:

 User Name Team Invitee Name Invitee First Name Invitee Last Name Invitee Email Invitee Time Zone Text Reminder Number Event Type Name Start Date & Time End Date & Time Location Event Created Date & Time Canceled Cancellation reason UTM Campaign UTM Source UTM Medium UTM Term UTM Content Salesforce UUID Event Price Payment Currency Guest Email(s)


How can I set up the meeting notes to be also exported?






Userlevel 6

Hi @LMS!

I’ll have to ask our knowledge team to update that article because I just exported my own events and sure enough (as I thought - phew!), Meeting Notes are sandwiched right in between ‘Marked as No-Show’ and ‘Group’. In fact, here are the headers from my export:

User Name
Invitee Name
Invitee First Name
Invitee Last Name
Invitee Email
Invitee Time Zone
Invitee accepted marketing emails
Text Reminder Number
Event Type Name
Start Date & Time
End Date & Time
Event Created Date & Time
Canceled By
Cancellation reason
Question 1
Response 1
Question 2
Response 2
UTM Campaign
UTM Source
UTM Medium
UTM Term
UTM Content
Salesforce UUID
Event Price
Payment Currency
Guest Email(s)
Invitee Reconfirmed
Marked as No-Show
Meeting Notes
User Email
Event UUID
Invitee UUID
Invitee scheduled by
Scheduling method