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Can the show the booked hours as "full" or something instead of just hidding it?

  • 17 January 2024
  • 1 reply

I just switched from google calendar appointment to Calendly. I find Calendly did the same thing as Google that as soon as the available booking hours of that day are booked, that date  is no longer highlighted with a color in the booking calendar.  I would like it to be highlighted to show  “ Booking is full” or something so that the user would know I indeed offer some sessions on that day, then the user won’t get confused that whether it is because I don’t offer service on that day or it’s because that day is full.

  Anyone there has the same problem with me? Just get very frustrated … does Calendly offer a way to do it?

Hi @amydsw!

Unfortunately that isn’t a setting on Calendly (or Google apparently!), but I really like that idea. I find myself often wondering the same and having to click forward a bunch of weeks on any scheduling platform to get an idea of ‘Do they work this day?’ isn’t ideal. I’ll definitely add this to the product feedback list for this month and see what we can make happen.

One thing you could do in the interim is use the event description field to say something like “We’re generally accepting appointments on...” and list out your generic schedule so it isn’t a mystery. And maybe something to the effect of “Don’t see a time that works for you? Reach out and let us know.” since you’ve likely got more insight into any flexibility or upcoming time slots.

Hope this helps a bit!