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Can you move the cancellation notice details to the top of the email?

  • 12 March 2024
  • 2 replies

I couldn’t find if there was a place to post suggestions or ideas. I’d like to recommend that you consider moving the cancellation details higher up in the email.

The booker has to scroll down to find the reason why we cancelled it. We’ve seen a few people completely miss it, and even respond to some of the details in the original booking request instead. When you book with us, the details say we need a business email. That is repeated in the cancellation so they think that’s why we sent it. At this point, honestly, all that detail could be completely removed from the email, and just the cancellation details remain.


Hey there @Smartbridge - thank you so much for your feedback. We truly appreciate hearing from users like you in these situations and coming to understand how certain changes could positively impact your workflow and use case. 

I will be sure to note your feedback in our monthly report for the product team. I hope you have a wonderful day! 

Thanks Kelsi! You too!
