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I booked a time slot in my calendar through my calendly link as a test. it was successfully added to my integrated Google calendar. I then canceled the event through my calendly account. i also afterward deleted the left-over canceled events directly in my google calendar. However the timeslot i tested still is not available. 
The troubleshooting tool gives the “Calendar” error: This time slot overlaps with a busy event on your Google calendar: nremoved email]. However there is no event, it was canceled through calendly and deleted in google. I have tried clearing my cache and trying a different browser and the timeslot is still unavailable. I am using the free tier.
Please let me know what else i may have missed in my testing, thanks!

Hey there @isensmith -- thank you for the thorough breakdown of your own troubleshooting steps, here!

I would suggest disconnecting and reconnecting your Google Calendar as your next step. Sometimes, this connection simply “glitches” and causes a “ghost” event to appear as a “busy” event. 

If that does not work (if your time slot still shows as “busy” after reconnecting the cal), look into the following: 

  • do you have any “all day” events on your Google Calendar marked “busy”? These are usually across the top of the calendar on a date/dates rather than blocked off in specific times -- if you have an “all day” event that is “busy” it will block off those time slots, so you’ll want to change it to “free” and see if that helps! 
  • do you have any shared calendars/subscribed calendars (from other people) that have “busy” events during that time slot? if so, that can cause issues as well.
  • after you’ve disconnected/reconnected your Google Calendar, use the troubleshooting tool on your booking page again and see if it still says “calendar” for a “busy” event -- then go from there and let us know.

Looking forward to hearing back from you!