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Cancellation notification

  • 16 February 2024
  • 5 replies


when cancellation messages are sent, the reason for cancellation is currently displayed at the end of the message in red text. How can I include the text somewhere else within the message?



Hi @Dodo,

Good question. So, you can modify most of the text in your cancellation email by going to Edit Event > Communications > Email Cancellation > Edit. However, the red text at the bottom can’t be moved or modified. A possible alternative solution is to be sure to include in the text that you can modify is a bold “You can find the reason for the cancellation below in red” just so it’s even more apparent!

Hi jillian,

Thank you for the response. Unfortunately, that solution doesn't seem satisfactory as it visually implies a lack of control over the scheduling tool. Given that there's a "reason for cancellation" placeholder, it would be beneficial if you could propose to the developers the idea of making the cancellation reason available as a placeholder field in the editor. This adjustment would allow users to place the reason for cancellation wherever it best suits their needs.

Hey there @Dodo - thanks for your feedback! We will be sure to include this in our end-of-month report for the product team so that they can consider it in future updates! 

Hey there @Dodo - thanks for your feedback! We will be sure to include this in our end-of-month report for the product team so that they can consider it in future updates! 



Hi Kelsi, is there any news on the topic?
I'm looking forward to a brief update from you.

Best regards!

No update yet @Dodo! We’ll be sure to let you know when we know more.