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Is it possible to offer dates in a personal location (tue, wed, thu) and online location the other days? Or do I have to create different event types for each? I am in the office only 3 times a week und want to offer meetings in personal on these days. The other days I do my meetings online.

What is the best way for my issue?

Thanks and best regards

Hey there @janwidmaier -- great question!

There is no way to automatically tell a single event type to take place at location X or location Y dependent on day, at this time. I’m sorry!

However, there’s a workaround that might suit you well using Calendly Routing Forms!

This might look like: 

  • setting up two event types (one for your virtual and one for your in person location)
  • setting up a routing form
  • asking a question on the form that allows the invitee to indicate what day of week they plan to book
  • within the routing form, setting up routing logic that directs an invitee to the correct event type based on day of week they plan to book
  • the invitees being auto-routed to the correct event type so no mistakes are made


  • you can simply create one event type for each location
    • in this case, I suggest including the location in the name of each event
    • i.e. “Meeting: Zoom” + “Meeting: In Person
  • Share Your Calendly Link
  • allow invitees to select the correct event type on their own

I hope this helps!