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We would like to change the google account that the calendar events are added to. For example, the currently scheduled events show up on the calendar of


If I change it to use the calendar of, are the currently schedule events deleted?


I am hoping it will keep the current events showing up on calendar, and schedule all new events on the calendar. Then we watch both accounts for a while and just gradually switch to the new account.


Hey there @Henry04221 - great question! Firstly, check out our New User Guide - it’ll def prove helpful as you get used to the platform!

Changing your add-to calendar will not impact your currently booked events in any way. They will remain on the calendar they were originally added to, however - you will want to keep that in mind and either manually add them to the new calendar as well, or, share your former add-to calendar with your new add-to calendar externally. There is no way to “re-push” the booked events to your new add-to calendar. 

I hope this helps!