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Is there an option on calendy where you can charge or not charge for a particular appointment some of my clients have allready paid up front for a course and others are pay as you go. How do I incorporate this to calendy.  Is it just as simple as creating two events 1 charged and 1 not and send clients invite to a free one or charged

Hey there @Laserontour - great questions! Firstly, check out our New User Guide - it’ll def prove helpful as you get used to the platform!

We have integrations with both Stripe and PayPal. You can connect your Stripe or PayPal account to Calendly to collect payments when your invitees schedule with you. If you don't use these services, you could add a custom link to your confirmation page that leads to your preferred payment provider. You could also customize your invitee notification emails to include that link!

To answer your last question - yes! It’s as simple as creating two event types (you can click the “gear” icon on your current event type > click “clone” in order to create the second one, then just make the changes needed and leave the rest!) and setting one up to collect payments, then setting the other one up with information about an alternative form of payment. You might want to consider making the event that does not collect payment “secret” and only sharing it with those invitees you can confirm will pay you outside of Calendly’s payment collection options - just a tip to consider!

I hope this helps!

