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client phone number prior to this update july 2024

  • 24 July 2024
  • 5 replies


i’ve used calendly daily for the last 4+ years. i really like it, until now. i was able to roll with udates and changes, however, the fact that i can no longer click on phone numbers to directly call or text clients has my workflow totally upended. i often need to directly communicate with clients quickly and this communication is critical to what i do. is there a workaround for collecting phone numbers that are still linkable / clickable? 


on another note, the new GUI format for viewing booked appointments seems totally upside down to me. the client entered info is the most important to me and you’ve pushed it to the bottom of the page , and made the font smaller. the meeting location and host info is absolutely the least important to me, as i’m the host , and those types of details stay pretty constant for me. the customer info is what most important for me to view easily. in other words, i really miss how appointment details appear to me from all other previous versions of calendly. 


can you please adivse?

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5 replies

Userlevel 6

Hi @Gg66832!

Hmm. That does not sound ideal at all. Just to confirm: You’re talking about the iOS mobile app, correct? I went back and compared events on my desktop from a year ago to yesterday and they appear the same, but I know we recently made some changes to the iOS app. I’m digging into why/how these changed.

Yes, thank you for clarifying. I use the iOS mobile app all day, everyday. 🫠

Userlevel 6

Hi @Gg66832!

Still tracking down more info, but have confirmed the issue with phone numbers is a bug that is being prioritized for a fix. Still waiting on information for the rest of the items you mentioned and will let you know when I know more.

I am also having the same issue with my IOS app. I use my cell to do all y calls and it was very useful to just click on the number to call my appointments. When will this bug be fixed? 

Userlevel 6

Just checked with our mobile team and they said they’re in bug fix (for being able to click on numbers) testing mode meaning they’ve identified a solution and it’s going through QA and approval right now. All mobile apps then have to go through app store approval which is the part of the timeline that’s way harder to predict. But tl;dr - sooner than later.