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Cluster appointments then drip openings?

  • 8 August 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi, Is there a way to set times for meetings during the day but ones later in the day don't show availability until the previous ones are booked? For example, I can be in office from 9 am to 4pm but I dont want the 1 hour and 1.5 hour appointments to be at 9 am and then not until 3. I would prefer the morning appointments to be booked. This is for in person office appointments. I hope I am making sense with this. Would love some help. Trying to push appointment times closer together instead of gaps of times between. I understand buffering.

Hi Nell45487! This is a really interesting use case and yes you are making perfect sense. While Calendly doesn’t have dynamic availability settings, that is settings that adjust based on dependencies, this is a really good idea and I’ve marked this post as a feature request. I’ll make sure it gets in front of the right people. 


While I don’t know how exactly you are making your booking link available, I would suggest making two additional event types for each the 1 and 1.5 hour meetings. Reserve one set of events for the morning and block off your availability accordingly. Then for afternoon events, only make them available when your morning is full. Additionally, you can add text to your booking page to encourage clients to book only in the afternoon if your morning is unavailable. There is likely a clever way to set up routing forms to encourage this type of scheduling but it would be impossible for me to suggest a workflow without a better understanding of how your booking link is distributed. Sorry we don’t have a magic bullet for you but I hope this helped some!