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I need to collect customer credit card info during booking but only charge after appointment. A feature available with Acuity Scheduling/Stripe. Does Calendly offer this feature? I desperately need it.

Hi ​@RuthP - Thanks for reaching out!

At this time, the Stripe and Paypal integrations will charge at the time of booking. There is not a way to collect the payment information first, then charge later.

The only way that something like this could work is if you sent the payment link to the customer manually. But there would not be a way to enforce this pre-booking. My apologies!

Let me know if you have any questions on this.

I need the same feature, desperately. I have too many no shows and need to charge the card but don’t want to charge for an introductory chat. Will this be available any time soon? I don’t want to leave calendly
