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I have a “collective event” set up with a colleague.

When someone schedules an event with us, the scheduler, my colleague and me all get emailed the calendar event. So far so good.

If my colleague declines the event, it gets canceled for everyone. However, this is not what we want because the scheduler and me can still attend.

Can Calendly events be set up so that in this scenario the event is not canceled, even when one of the participants declines the calendar invite?

Hey @Robert -- great question!

The way that notifications and calendar pushes work for Collective Event Types is a bit different than other ETs. Let’s dig into that info! 


Collective Events vs Personal Events

For solo users, Calendly allows flexibility in defining which calendars personal events (1-on-1 and group) will be pushed to. This can be configured on the Calendar Connection page under "Add new events." This is because many users may have multiple calendars under one email address. For Collective Events however, the logic is slightly different.

• Push Settings

Calendly does not consider the push settings (which calendar to push a meeting to) on each member's calendar connection page for Collective Events. However, we use these settings to read conflicts for collective event types.

• Primary Publisher's Calendar

Calendly creates only one calendar record for a Collective Event on the Primary Publisher's calendar. Then, the Primary Publisher's calendar sends invitations to the rest of the team, if they are all using the same cloud calendar provider (Google, Office 365, etc.).

NOTE: Collective event invitations are sent to the primary calendar under each member's calendar account, not necessarily the calendar defined for push events within Calendly.

• Solution for Misplaced Events

If a user can't find a Collective Event on their calendar, ask them to check their primary calendar. For identification, check the individual user's calendar connection page; the primary calendar is usually the first one listed.

• Canceled/Rescheduled Meetings

When an event is canceled via the meetings tab or the cancel/reschedule link, Calendly will only update the designated senders calendar. This means that once the designated owner's calendar account sends out invitations to additional hosts, Calendly cannot update those specific events, as it does not have read/write access in this situation. (This is specific to the issue you presented in your post and explains why it’s happening.)

• Mixed Cloud Calendar Providers

If a team uses a mix of cloud calendar providers, there may be inconsistencies in how each member receives a collective event.


  • Team Member A (Primary Publisher): Google calendar
  • Team Member B: Office 365 calendar
  • Team Member C: Outlook plug-in calendar

In this case, the Collective Event record is created on the Google calendar only. Team Members B and C will be notified by email, but the event won't appear on their calendars.

I hope this info proves helpful. Let me know if you have any questions! =)