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Collective Event Type: Confirmation Display

  • 3 June 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi all. My question is in regards to the booking confirmation display shown for Collective event types. In this specific example, I am wanting to schedule a follow-up booking page with myself and 2 other users. The settings are currently set so availability reflects independent user settings and select ‘hosts will always attend’ option. The description also notes the 3 individuals the client can expect to be in attendance.

Upon choosing a date and inputting booking information, 3 issues we’re experiencing:

  1. Confirmation display is only showing the meeting with one host (myself) and not 3 hosts in attendance, like we want.
  2. The topic and email subject is “X meeting name with mmy name] + 2 others on X date”
    1. This is lesser of an issue as the email subject might be too long!
  3. Confirmation display page and email shows the attendees of the event as being one host (myself) and not multiple hosts on meeting.
  4. The calendar integration settings, like for google Calendar, do not include all hosts as “guests”; only shows organizer (which in this case is myself as the one host) and invitee’s rather than ALL attendees on the meeting.

We have tried playing with the Zoom organizer in the event settings, the order of hosts added to the booking page, changing host availability settings, etc. with no luck! Is there any setting we need to change on Calendly? Is there a way to display ALL hosts on the default Calendly confirmation display page?


Thank you in advance for all the advice!

Hi @summit_jon!

Great questions and thanks for putting them in such a detailed and organized manner. If only we could get all community members to do that!

So the short answer here is with Collective event types, there will be one primary publisher where the calendar record will be created and the other hosts and the invitees will be added to the calendar record as guests.

  1. The primary publisher will appear as the host in the event confirmation. The workaround here is to include language in the event description/body of the event confirmation letting the invitee know who will be in attendance (the three hosts).
  2. No great way around this. Only sort of workaround would be to get rid of an unnecessary characters/words to shorten the overall title.
  3. The confirmation page will display the primary publisher only. I’ll shoot this feedback up to our Product team. Would make sense to be able to list the co-hosts.
  4. Once all hosts accept the invite for the event, they will all appear on the calendar event.

Hope this helps clear things up a bit.

Jillian, thank you for your response! That helps clear up our issues. Hopefully the Product Team makes the small change 🤞🏻