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I want to make my scheduled bookings available on both a public-facing site and internally, with the following conditions:

  • The public can book events up until two hours before the event.
  • Within the two-hour window before the event, I want to prevent public bookings but still allow staff to book for walk-ins.

I am aware of the "minimum notice" setting in Calendly, but I need to know if it allows staff to book customers within that two-hour window, even though public bookings are restricted. Is this possible with Calendly, and if so, how can I configure it?

Hi @JacobP!

I’ve actually got a fairly similar setup on my own Calendly by using one event for the public and another for my colleagues here at Calendly. The public one is super locked down to prevent misuse and over scheduling and the colleague one is really open. It’s been working well for over a year now!

But if you’re still wondering “Is this possible with one event type?” - unfortunately not. Calendly can’t distinguish between one type of invitee and another.