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Confirmation email

  • 9 February 2024
  • 9 replies

My Confirmation emails contains details of other meetings that have scheduled for that day - how do I stop that from filtering through?

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9 replies

Userlevel 6

Hi @Rhonda71608!

Would you mind sharing a screenshot of what you’re seeing? I haven’t seen a Calendly email like that and would love to help you figure it out.

Important: Please avoid sharing any personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers, or full names in the screenshot. If you can scribble those out using the app of your choice, we’d be very grateful!

Thank you Jillian,

I have attached a redacted screenshot of what is emailed. 

What you'll see is the appointment that is being confirmed is for 1.30 (bolded), the other 3 are existing calendar entries.

Fingers crossed you can shed some light on this for me. 


Userlevel 7

Hey there @Rhonda71608 - taking over for Jillian this weekend! =) 

I appreciate the screenshot! However, that does not look like an email sent by Calendly. Are you using calendar invitations (not email confirmations), by chance? If so, then this would be a notice coming from your calendar - to your email, correct? 

If that’s the case, this (I believe) is simply your calendar showing you a snapshot of what your day looks like. This is not something that is sent by Calendly to invitees, for the record. 

More clarification will help me help you! Thanks! 


Thank you. 

I can confirm that the email is definitely the Calendly Automated Confirmation email.

I have attached another screenshot of an appointment that I have just created as a test.

At the bottom of the email it notes the Calendly details.  


Userlevel 7

Hey there again, @Rhonda71608 - I was asking if you are using “email confirmations” or “calendar invitations,” because this looks like the former - and that would still include the Calendly details! 

However - this test booking is very helpful. That said - this is the email you are receiving as the host, not the invitee, correct? I am still wondering if this is your own calendar/email informing you of what you have going on before and after your Calendly bookings. 

What does the confirmation from the invitee’s end look like when you test? As long as it does not include that info you are golden. 

Let me know! 


Thank you for your prompt reply. 

The email is a Confirmation email and a am testing it by booking with my Gmail account, so this is the email that I am receiving as the invitee.

For your reference I have changed the email to the Invitation email and the invitee is still receiving the same level of information. 


Userlevel 7

Hey there again @Rhonda71608 - let me ask you one more question to troubleshoot this.

The info showing up before and after the bolded Calendly event - are those calendar events that are on the Google Calendar associated with the *invitee account* in this situation (your test booking)? If so, then this would mean what I assumed to be true is indeed true - and that the info being displayed is the info associated with the calendar account of the recipient. If this info is coming from your “add to calendar” that is associated with the invite being sent out and not the invitee’s email/calendar then that is an issue, for sure. I will need to suggest you reach out to our support team by logging into your calendar account and clicking “help” so that you can get more individualized support and they can dive deeper into this by looking at your account and troubleshooting with you. 

I hope this helps! I am sorry that I’m not able to provide more information here in community. This will require you sharing much more info than you’d want to post publicly here. Our support team is fabulous and should get you sorted out! 


Perfect explanation - it makes complete sense - I have tested using an email and calendar that is not associated with me in any form and only the required information is filtered through.

I’m ready to roll it out.

Once again, many thanks.

Userlevel 7


Perfect explanation - it makes complete sense - I have tested using an email and calendar that is not associated with me in any form and only the required information is filtered through.

I’m ready to roll it out.

Once again, many thanks.

I am so happy to hear this - I assumed that was what was going on but am so glad you confirmed it for us. Now you know for the future that if you are testing, you should use an email not associated with the calendars connected to the account so that you aren’t thrown off by any included info from those calendars - and I know with certainty for the next time someone brings this up! =) Have a great day!