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Connected Calendars are not preventing overlap of booked meetings

  • 26 October 2023
  • 5 replies

Hi there,


I have two connected calendars in my account that are both mine and somehow events from one email keep being able to be booked over events from the other calendar.


I have the “Check for conflicts” set up covering both emails so am not sure why this is happening.


Please help since this affects setting expectations with clients when I need to reschedule them manually due to this.


Here’s a screenshot showing how they are connected:


And here’s a screenshot from Google Calendar showing the overlap happening where green is the gmail address and the blue is my personal domain address.





Hey Adam!

Great questions, here! I noticed that on your Google Calendar, you have many time blocks named “busy” - but that does not mean they are actually marked “busy”, which they need to be in order to be read as conflicts in Calendly! Calendly will view your Google events with this "busy" event status as scheduling conflicts and will automatically remove the time from your scheduling page (including all-day or multi-day events). You can access and change this setting by double-clicking on the event id in your calendar and changing the status from "free" to "busy" as shown below:

This should resolve your issue, if I am tracking! In the future, make sure all Google Calendar events you want to be seen as conflicts have this “busy” status and you’ll be golden! You can read more about this in our help center, here. Happy scheduling! 

Hi @KelsiEllie - thanks for the follow up here. I’ve gone and double-checked the meetings in the blue calendar ( and can confirm that they are set as busy.


Here is a screenshot showing one example.

I also adjusted the Google Admin settings for that calendar to try and ensure this would block the time correctly as of Friday but it’s still not helping.



Any other recommendations here, as I believe the settings should allow the flow of detail.

Hey again! Thanks for the detailed response - it helps a lot!

In your “check for conflicts” section, have you clicked “edit” to make sure that the correct sub calendars are being checked? The emails themselves are there, yes, but that does not mean the sub calendar these events are on is marked to be checked!

Additionally - within the Google calendar settings, if one of the following is selected:

  • "See only free/busy (hide details)" or
  • "See all event details"

you will be able to add the shared or sub-calendar to the Check for Conflicts calendar configuration, but will not be able to add the calendar as your Add to Calendar.

On the contrary, if one of the following is selected:

  • "Make changes to events" or
  • "Make changes and manage sharing"

you will be able to add the shared or sub-calendar to both the Check for Conflicts and Add to Calendar calendar configurations.

I know that based on this info, your calendar should be showing up under “check for conflicts,” so definitely check. If it doesn’t - try giving the calendar full permissions, then disconnecting and reconnecting the calendar in Calendly. You might also want to clear cache and cookies between disconnecting and reconnecting, just for the sake of covering all bases!

Last thing to consider: I noticed you made the permissions for yourself, but you might need to make them “available for the public” in order to connect it with Calendly. This will all ride on whether or not you are already seeing the sub calendar in your “check for conflicts” section. 

Generally, this is what we see when showing users how to give permissions on their calendars, which is why I am saying you “might” need to try that. I haven’t seen this exact screen before - painful as that is to admit! 

Lastly, here is an article about sharing your Google Calendar that might offer more insight. 

Try messing around with these changes, and let me know how it plays out! 

Hi again Kelsi,

Thanks again for unpacking all of this. I think I may have gotten to a better place here based on your mentioning revisiting my “check for conflicts” section. I had not had noticed before that I was not checking for conflicts for one calendar from the opposite email address.

As you can see here I enabled that - I hope it works:



Hey @adamwbarney - great catch! I hope this resolves the availability overlap(s) for you as well! Let us know if you run into further snags! In the meantime, I hope you can relax this evening. 🙂 I know I am about to! 

p.s. please let me know if you’d like me to redact your screenshots now that your issue is resolved, since they do contain your personal email addresses. I’d be happy to oblige!