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Contact Emails

  • 21 May 2024
  • 3 replies

Can I remove the requirement to enter an email for a contact? Several of our clients do not have email and only have phone meetings. But I can’t put them in as a contact since they don’t have an email. Help.

Hey there, @Cdaniels - thanks for your post!

I’m sorry, but this is not going to be possible right now. I will definitely relay the feedback for you, though!

In the meantime -- how would you work around this on the booking page? Contacts are auto-created from each invitee that books with you (and you can create them manually, as well). The “email” field is mandatory on the booking page and cannot be removed, so that’s where the first issue would arise. 

In this case and with contacts, the workaround I might be able to suggest for your use case + goal would be to create a “dummy” email address that you personally input for all clients/contacts that do not have an email address to provide. Create an email account, use that email address for all of those contacts, and don’t use it for anything else. This way, you are able to input those clients/contacts without causing confusion. You could also use that dummy email address on the booking page when booking these clients.

Hope this helps! 


Thank you. Please let the creators know that it would be helpful if this was an option. As I use Calendly more often I’m realizing that the clients must be tech savvy to use this. Most of our clients are elderly and don’t use a smart phone let alone a computer. Hmmm… we shall give it some thought. Thx again.

Of course, @Cdaniels - and I hope it was somewhat helpful, at least! Have a good day. =)