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Our users are receiving invites from countries where our services are not available. This information is posted on our site but some are not reading all the details. Is there a way to limit or auto-decline invites from certain countries?

As an aside, these invites we are receiving are not spam. They are legitimate requests but we, as a company, cannot help them. 

Let me know if my explanation is not clear.


Thanks, Sam.

Hey Sam!

Thanks for reaching out on this!

The best way to accomplish this is through our Routing Forms feature! With Routing Forms, you can direct visitors to specific people or destinations based on factors like location, company size, and interests. You can build these forms from scratch as you see fit.

Once your form and routing logic are built, Calendly will route users based off their answers to an event type OR to a page letting them know they’re out of scope.

You can read more on how to create one here: How to create a Routing Form

Let me know if you have any questions!

Took a look and I think that will work for us. Appreciate the prompt response!


Regards, Sam.