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Creating appointments with an independent contractor

  • 19 March 2024
  • 3 replies

I have an independent contractor who provide a consultation service for my clients. I have a standard account, she has one of her own for her separate business. Her Calendly is connected to her calendars for her business and personal obligations.  

I want her to be able to schedule meetings for my clients, taking into account her various availabilities.

My schedule is not relevant, only hers and the client.

What is the best way to accomplish this?



John Mekrut

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3 replies

Userlevel 7

Hey there @John77774 - great questions! Firstly, check out our New User Guide and Company Admin Guide - they will both be super helpful resources as you learn the ropes here!
To your point - you can accomplish this a couple of different ways! 😃

  1. You can add the contractor to your Calendly organization, taking over her billing and allowing her to function within your paid plan. She will maintain the ability to use her personal event types, calendars, availability and so on and book her own meetings outside of contracting for you, but then you’ll also be able to (if you want) set up Admin Managed Events or events on a Team Page and assign them to her for the purpose of the two of you working together. This way, you are paying for her account, you can assign her events, and she can continue to focus on her own things as well. When the time comes, you can remove her and she will keep all of her personal settings that were in place when you added her.  This is probably the best option, but if she does not want her account to be added to your organization you’ll need to consider others! 
  2. You can simply allow the contractor to keep running her own account as it, and have her set up her own event types for the work she’s doing with you. You will not be able to access or track anything this way. 
  3. You can send her an invite to add her to your organization as discussed in option 1, but to a different email address than she currently uses to sign into her own Calendly account. This will prompt her to create a new account for your organization. She can still connect her own calendars so that her availability will “communicate” between both accounts and she’s not double-booked. 

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions! 

Hi Kelsi,

Thank for this info.

As to #1,We tried inviting her using her Calendly email.  It seemed (from her end,) to overwrite her branding of her own Calendly?  That’s not what we wanted, she needs to conduct her own business with appropriate branding.  Is that the case or are we mistaking it?

#2 could work, I don’t need to track the events.

#3, we tried that but it seemed like more work than necessary


We will experiment with these suggestions.




Userlevel 7

Hey @John77774 - great questions!

You’ve got it - yes. Joining your organization will override her branding. 

Read more about branding here:

With this in mind, option 2 seems most feasible and reasonable if you do not need to track/keep an eye on her bookings for any reason! Simply allowing her to continue with her own Calendly account would be easy and efficient! 

I hope this helps!