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hi all, I’ve been a calendly customer for a while but cannot find an area to send a question or contact customer service now. I’ve got an issue with a past/cancelled event. The area in help center won’t let me type my question and I don’t see the text/chat option available either. Even tried connecting through the sales page and it wond‘t accept my email because it’s not recognized as a “business” email? I’m so confused. Anyone having this issue connecting with customer service? They’ve been good in the past but I’m hitting a wall now. Am I missing something?? any help would be appreciated, thank you!!


Hi Rachel!

Oh no. That is not the help experience we want you to have. Just to check… When you go to this page, you don’t see any option to write a message? I’ll let my peers who handle the chat side of things know.

In the meantime, how can I help? Community is here to provide help and support too!

thanks, Jillian! So i click on that link and it’s the same thing. I see the box/area option to write a reply (in the how can we help you box) but it’s not active. it won’t actually let me write a reply or do anything. Do you guys have browser restrictions?

No browser restrictions that I’m aware of (it works with all the usual contenders), but we have noticed that some extensions, firewalls, security applications, and other things can negatively impact the intended experience. I wish we could say for certain exactly what it is, but it’s wildly varied. Any chance you’ve got a secondary browser you can test it on? Safari? Edge?

How can I help with the past/cancelled event?

weird. tried firefox and same thing ( no options for help or chat) but safari seems to be working. my main issue is i can’t seem to pull up an event from 1/13. i had to cancel it and need to get the emails from attendees for refunds as i have a few left. it was there and now its not, can you pull that up or make it active again for me? thanks!

So strange, but thank you for the info. I’ll pass it along!

Ok, so your cancelled events. I can help with that! If you go to your Scheduled Events page, click on the little ‘Filter’ button on the right hand side. Then click on the dropdown under ‘Status’ where it says ‘Active Events’. Select the checkbox next to ‘Canceled events’ and you should see your missing events. Hope this helps!

ah got it thanks!