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Decline Invites

  • 22 December 2023
  • 1 reply

If an invitee declines an event, why is it still showing on my Outlook calendar? Also, if an invitee needs to reschedule an event, how do they do this? Just as an FYI, I am using the free plan. Thanks!

Hey there, @Alaina66784 - great questions! Firstly, check out our New User Guide - it’ll def prove helpful as you get used to the platform!

Firstly, it’s important to understand how Calendly works. Calendly is a scheduling platform that essentially sits on top of your connected personal calendar. It checks for events marked “Busy” and interprets them as conflicts, preventing invitees from scheduling new events at those times.

When an invitee schedules with you, the event is automatically published to your personal calendar and appears on your Calendly Home page under Scheduled Events. Both you and your invitee receive confirmation by email as well, helping to streamline scheduling for appointments, meetings, and more!

With that knowledge it should make more sense when I say that there is no act of “declining” an event type within Calendly. You will either Share Your Calendly Link and allow an invitee to select a date/time within your Availability Schedule or, in some cases, you will visit your own scheduling page and book on behalf of an invitee. Both results in the same booking confirmation being sent to the invitee, and both automatically confirm that booking and add it to your calendar. 

If an invitee were to cancel an event after booking (or you were to do the same), it would still appear on your calendar as a cancelled event. The calendars that connect with Calendly are separate entities - but no calendar we integrate with (that I am aware of) automatically deleted cancelled events. Instead, they appear greyed out or with a line through them, depending on the calendar, and you’d need to manually delete a cancelled event to no longer see it on that calendar. The cancelled events will also still appear in Calendly under “Scheduled events” > “upcoming” or “Scheduled Events” > “past”, if you filter to include cancelled events! 

To address your second question: you can include cancel/reschedule links for your invitees!

Found in the Communications section of the event type settings, you have the option to include or remove cancel and reschedule links in the notifications sent to invitees.


I hope this helps!