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Deleting an event type didn't cancel my bookings!

  • 11 April 2024
  • 1 reply

When I delete an event in Calendly, why is the time still unavailable in Calendly? 

I thought that by deleting an event, the time becomes automatically available. Please help / clarify. Thank you!

Hey there @Vanessa75012 - great question! Thanks for posting and welcome to community! 

When you delete an actual event type, all that results in is the event type itself no longer existing/being available for booking. It’s not attached to the bookings that have been created from it! So, you’d need to go into your “scheduled events” tab > “upcoming” > “cancel” for any bookings from that event type that you hope to see cancelled as well.

I hope this helps - but let me know if you get stuck!
p.s. read our New User Guide - it’s super useful while you learn Calendly! 
