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Different Events - smart scheduling question

  • 26 February 2024
  • 5 replies

Is it possible to have the different events coordinate calendars? Meaning, Once Event 1 has scheduled for 8AM on Monday, then Events 2,3,.. will not allow 8AM on Monday to be scheduled?

Hey there @Monica08063 - great question! I’m so glad you posted this topic. Firstly, check out our New User Guide - it’ll def prove helpful as you get used to the platform!

To your question - that is exactly how Calendly is designed to work at its core! 

Calendly is a scheduling platform that essentially sits on top of your connected personal calendar. It checks for events marked “Busy” and interprets them as conflicts, preventing invitees from scheduling new events at those times.

When an invitee schedules with you, the event is automatically published to your personal calendar and appears on your Calendly Home page under Scheduled Events. Both you and your invitee receive confirmation by email as well, helping to streamline scheduling for appointments, meetings, and more! Once a booking is made on one of your Calendly event types, that time/date becomes automatically unavailable across all of your individual event types for booking to prevent overlap. 

I hope this info is helpful! 


Hi Kelsi,

Thank you. I will check out your guide. I have been using your calendar function for over a year, and am familiar with the syncing with my personal calendar, which works great. I have discovered a different situation that I’m hoping I’m just missing a setting somewhere to resolve. Perhaps I was confusing or am confused myself. Here’s the situation:

  1. I allow outdoor photoshoot reservations.
  2. I allow indoor photoshoot reservations.
  3. I allow event reservations.
  4. I allow tour reservations.

For max flexibility, I allow scheduling ANY of those 4 events anytime between 10AM - 6PM.

BUT, if someone schedules one of those 4 events for 10-11AM, I do not want the other three types of events to then show 10-11AM as ‘available’.  


If indeed it should work in a copacetic manner, I wonder if my syncing isn’t working correctly.

Still need your help,


Hey again @Monica08063 - thanks for the followup and added context!

Yes - with the way Calendly is designed to work, you should definitely not be seeing openings on any of your different event types for a time slot that has been booked on one single event type, already. The information I provided above re: how Calendly works was specifically speaking to this point - Calendly does not allow overlapping bookings to be made *within Calendly* for a single user/host.

So - let’s dig deeper! Where are each of these event types “living” within your Calendly account? Are they all under your single-user account (under “My Calendly”) with you as the host? Are some or all of them on a Team Page? If the latter is the case, that could be the issue. If you have different hosts assigned to each of these events they will be able to overlap, so you’d need to set them up under one single host to avoid that being allowed.

There is no situation in which all of your event types should allow booking when one of them has already been booked if they are all event types under you as the host. If that is what’s happening, you might need more personalized assistance from our support team! They are available 24/7 via live chat and you can reach out by logging into your Calendly account and clicking “help.” They’ll be able to access your event types and look into what’s causing this and fix it for you!

Let me know how else I might be able to assist, if this info isn’t helpful! 

Well that’s fantastic news! Maybe it was a temporary tech problem on my end. Let me double check everything before calling in the calvary. 
Thank you!

Well that’s fantastic news! Maybe it was a temporary tech problem on my end. Let me double check everything before calling in the calvary. 
Thank you!

Sounds great, Monica - and you are very welcome! I am signing off for the night - but I’ll check to see if you’ve commented here again tomorrow morning! Have a good one.