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Differing time zones on google calendar

  • 4 April 2024
  • 1 reply

I have two times showing up for my sessions… the bigger time slot is correct and what the client meant to book for. But in google calendar it has the smaller font time booked out. We are both in central time zone. Not sure how to fix this 


Hey there! Thanks for your post!

When you see two timezones in your bookings like this, it’s showing you the actual time the booking was made for (bigger time) based on the time zone your account settings has in place and (smaller, bottom) the time zone the event type itself is set to. If you take a look at your event type, it will be set to Central Time, and if you take a look at your account settings by clicking your avatar int he top right of your home page > clicking “profile” it’ll be set to Eastern Time. 

So - that explains that part!

If your invitee is in Central Time that will be the time zone that appears on the booking page when your invitee books. That means that the event will take place in Central Time for the invitee - and for you, since you are also in Central Time. That said - the calendar event will display the time zone based on your calendar settings. I know, confusing! 

You need to pay attention to: 

  1. Your event type’s time zone
  2. Your Calendly profile time zone
  3. Your calendar’s time zone
  4. Your invitee’s time zone (displayed when you click “details” on your booking under “scheduled events > upcoming” 

If you want your time zones to match across the board (and for only one time zone to show up instead of two under “scheduled events” - change your Calendly profile time zone to the time zone you are physically in and make sure your event type time zones (and the time zones on your Availability Schedules) match - and to make things simpler, make sure your calendar time zone is correct, as well. 

As for this - it is all displaying and behaving correctly! There’s nothing to “fix” - just things to clarify and understand. =) 

I hope this helps!

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