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Discussion around CalDAV

  • 16 May 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi there,

This is in regard to this topic. It’s closed for discussion now, but it needs to be discussed again.


I don’t think the Calendy staff understand the significance of CalDAV and why you would want to integrate Calendly with CalDAV type calendars.

Let’s start here: CalDAV is a protocol standard, it’s not a type of server. Here’s where you can read about CalDAV. There are a ton of email solutions out there - Gmail included - that support CalDAV. So, for Calendly NOT to integrate with CalDAV, you’re eliminating a ton of potential customers. Including me.


My business stopped using Microsoft Exchange in 2021. I was a paying customer of Calendly, especially through COVID when I used it extensively. When we transitioned off of Exchange, I guess I didn’t realize that calendly did not integrate with CalDAV. As a result and when I discovered that it wasn’t supported, I had to drop off my subscription and stop advertising my calendar availability through Calendly. Similarly, my staff was using Calendly for booking, and I have a number of customers who would love to use Calendly.


It’s the same problem over and over again: If you’re not using Exchange/Microsoft 365/Gmail, you’re not able to use Calendly.


So, Calendly dev team - please fix this problem! If you already have a Gmail integration, I wonder how far off you are from being able to extend that to any CalDAV server. I would suggest you research CalDAV, and if necessary look into the free program called CalDAVSync that ties Outlook to a CalDAV calendar.

As some examples, here are some email server solutions that support CalDAV:

Thanks, in advance!

Hey @pwebb0617!

Conversations automatically close after a certain amount of time because customers getting notifications on old topics can be super confusing. So yes closed, but not like closed closed. You did the right thing by starting a new conversation. And thank you for that list. This is some very thorough feedback.

Let me go do some digging and see what’s going on with this. No guarantees of any changes (yet!), but I’ll definitely make sure we continue to relay the feedback to our Product team.

Hi Jillian,


This would be highly appreciated. Google uses/supports CalDAV, so whatever the implementation you have now for Google/Gmail looks like, I would not think it would be too far a leap to make it to CalDAV.


The reason I suggested they look at the CalDavSync application is because it’s already doing the work to communicate with a CalDAV server and then put the appointments into an Outlook PST file. This is how my outlook calendar (and contacts!) on my PC stays synchronized with my CalDAV enabled mail server.


Apple and Android already support CalDAV. So setting up phones to talk to the mail server is already easy to do.


I have multiple customers in multiple industry verticals that if this integration existed, I could move them to (the paid version of) Calendly from the solution they are presently using, which is costing them a lot of money every month. They would move because this would drop their monthly overhead costs down significantly.


Thanks again!
