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How to display different profile names under a single account?

I want to use Calendly for two ‘categories’ of events, those that my business offers and those that I offer as an individual. Correspondingly, I want to display first category as events of saying “MyLovelyCompany” and the second as events of saying “John Doe”. Sure, I want them to use the same Google calendar, so if an event of one category is booked, this blocks the time for another category too.

Is this possible with Calendly? If yes, on which subscription, and how to setup this?

I understand that this could be possible with registering two accounts on Calendly - but this means paying twice for subscriptions that I will be using myself only, plus setup corresponding mail forwarding, calendar access etc.

Hi @Favareli!

2 accounts if the best way to go, but tell me more about your preferred setup. What elements do you need to ensure are totally different? Email address, branding, workflows, event titles, etc.?

If you can make the same email address work with some sort of more generic branding, you could modify your event titles to represent the correct company and leverage separate workflows. If you need separate branding, different email addresses, etc., you’ll need to use 2 different accounts.

Hi Jillian, thank you for your reply.

What I want is having two set of events.

One set should display on the booking page the name of the event holder as “John Doe”, and events like “A meeting with John Doe”.

Another set should display on the booking page the name of the event holder as “MyLovelyCompany”, and events like “An event at MyLovelyCompany”.

And these two should use the same Google Calendar at backend. There are no complex workflows, as I’m the only one who works at “MyLovelyCompany”, but  separate logos would be good to have.

How do you think, is this possible using a single account?

Hi @Favareli!

If you’re alright with some visual overlap between the two companies, I think you could make it work. I just took a screenshot of one of my own events to point out the areas that would be visually identical across all events - part of the URL, the logo/image, and the account name. If you could think of someway to generalize these to reduce confusion, it would work. Then you’d just use where mine says “LinkedIn Networking” to instead say “John Doe | 30 Minute Meeting” and “MyLovelyCompany | Kickoff Call”.

If that isn’t feasible, I’d look into 2 accounts even though they share the same connected calendar. The items I highlighted in the screenshot are fixed elements across the entire account.