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Does calendly integrate with Simple Practice?

  • 11 December 2023
  • 1 reply

Mental health worker here and I use calendly for booking and simple practice for electronic medical record. SP also is integrated for payment through stripe. I need SP for insurance billing and records but love calendly for event types and scheduling. How do I get the two to communicate? SP also has a scheduling component but not with event types. I also use zoom as the back up platform when SP Telehealth is unstable. I have linked SP to my google calendar and calendly to google calendar, but so far I just have duplicate appointments! What am I missing? 

Hey there! Great question!

There is currently not native integration on the Calendly side with Simple Practice, and unfortunately a thorough Google search didn’t show up any integrations on the SP or third party side, either. This means that you cannot easily get the two apps to communicate. However, you might be able to come up with some sort of workaround. If you connect with Zapier you can have a spreadsheet connected that displays all Calendly appointments, for example, that you can then use to set up in SP. That said, if you simply want appointments from both platforms added to Google Calendar there is no way to avoid those duplicate events or combine them. I’m sorry! I will make sure to mark this feedback for our product team to review later! =) I hope this helps!