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Doodle-like survey to schedule an event for specific dates

  • 7 December 2023
  • 3 replies

Dear calendly community,
we love what calendly offers but in addition we need for our company a simple doodle-like feature: find an appointment within a group of guests. We want to pick special dates and generate a link to send to our customers. It should be possible for customers to select out of a collection of predefined dates and pick one or two which best suites them. When everyone participated in the survey then there should be an appointment with best suites all of the participants. Is this kind of feature available? I did not find anything on this and also group events don’t do the trick. It seems like we always have to set availability first and based on availability we can set up a booking page. Maybe I got something wrong? Everything else is working wonderful ;) 
Thank you for helping us out!

And sorry if this is really a basic question: We are new to calendly and just searching for the right service for our small company :)

Hi @Vau!

Oh, I love getting to be the bearer of good news. 😃

What you’re looking for is called Meeting Polls and it does exactly what you’re looking for. Meeting Polls lets you pick a few settings and up to 40 time blocks and send it out to your audience. And the feature I love the most? When you decide on a time, it’s nearly one click to create an event with all of the invitees who contributed a preferred time.

You can find more info on the feature here and our Help Center article here.

Let us know if we can help with anything else. Happy scheduling!

OK, when adding tags to my first question I answered the question by myself  ;) Seems like “Meeting polls” are used for this at calendly. Unfortunately this feature seems not so straight forward like the doodle solution:

  1. It’s not so easy to select the dates because of the big calendar and not just picking dates on a small one. Also drag and drop does not generate one time slot but several ones depending on the predefined duration of the event. Will this change in the future? 
  2. There seems the possibility to only set up slots with the same duration?
  3. Guests have to login and leave their user name and emailaddress. I could not find a possibility to switch this off. For us this won’t work as people are working for european government institutions and are not allowed to use their emailaddress in these kind of forms (GDPR). As far as we know. Is there a possibility to attend the survey without email address? 
  4. Seems like attendees have to vote for a time slot. So is it not possible to take part in the survey and not choose on any of the given dates? For example if someone wants to show that they took part in the survey but don’t have time at any of the provided slots.

As this is a new feature will there be further development? 
Thank you again!

Meeting Polls: 

Hi @Vau!

All of your observations are correct, but I think the biggest sticking point is around the email address. We very much do require an email address in meeting polls as the next step after this is scheduling the meeting and Calendly takes care of that for you. Without an email address, we can’t do much!

I’ve noted all of this for our December Product feedback list though and will pass it along.