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Hello, please can I make a feature request? I would love to be able to duplicate "Scheduled events" one-time links? I have a few people I want to send a link out to with the same times. 


This is a great request - and we will absolutely loop it back to product!

That said, I do want to offer some insight. The purpose of One-Off Meeting types is to offer availability outside of your normal schedule to a single person so that they can book with you. If you were to duplicate that and send it to multiple people, only one person would be able to book those times - then the other links would become useless as they’d include unavailable times in them for the remaining people you sent it to.

Does this make sense, or am I missing your intended goal here? I want to hear more! 

Hey! Well, my case is that I want to send links to specific people with times outside of my normal calendar time. I block a lot of my calendar off because a lot of people have my calendly link for consulting and I only want them to be able to book in at certain times of the day. I have other new-business meetings, which can be at other times, but I will often want to send several people at the same time the other times which are available, but not have them show up on my regular availability.

Hey @Hannah86604,

Hmm! So a few things are coming to mind:

First, I’d recommend looking into schedules for different events. For example, I’ve got a networking event that I regularly send out to industry peers that want to chat - but I’ve got it really locked down so they’re only able to schedule between 10-4 EST Tuesday through Thursday (and of course it respects my calendar availability too). Mondays are just too chaotic and I’m pretty toasted by Friday, so the schedule fits my needs. But then I’ve got a more general link I use here at Calendly with my co-workers that’s my normal working schedule of 9-5 Monday through Thursday and 9-1 on Fridays. This ensures the right audiences see the right availability and I don’t need to throw blocks all over my calendar. And yes, you schedules absolutely can overlap. Mine do!

More info:

Second, hidden events might be a good idea if you’re worried about the more restricted audience seeing the wider availability event type. I don’t usually send out my scheduling page (the one with all the event types on it), but if I did - I would definitely be hiding my wider availability event so it didn’t get used incorrectly.

More info:

Check these out and let us know if this helps at all!