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Email confirmations getting blocked?

  • 26 February 2024
  • 3 replies

E-mail confirmations from calendly seem to be silently dropped to my forwarded email address. I spoke with the UCLA IT department and they didn’t know of any filtering in place on their end. I also can’t find the dropped e-mails in my spam or deleted messages e-mail folder. Does anyone know if there’s a way to tell if calendly blocks a domain?


On a side note, I attempted to use “Contact Us” in both Firefox and Chrome, and in Firefox it was just blank, in Chrome it just says "By engaging in chat, you agree to possible recording by us & our vendors.” but doesn’t provide a text box or buttons. And there doesn’t seem to be any additional official way to ask for support besides this forum.

Hey there @spease - thanks so much for posting, and I’m sorry you’re having these issues!

Firstly, since it’ll be quick - that’s a bummer about reaching out to our support team and not at all the desired user experience we want to hear about! Please try the below steps to see if you can make it work (since the troubleshooting needed to solve your problem might very well require speaking with them for more personalized assistance): 

  1. Clear your browser cache/cookies (steps below!) - this is the solution most likely to immediately work
  2. Try an incognito/secret browsing window
  3. Try another device entirely, if possible (ex: a mobile phone if currently using a computer and so on) 
  4. Check to see if your browser(s) and/or device have any application and/or software updates to be run > run them > restart your device
  5. Try another browser (a third in your case) if all else fails

How to clear browser cache

Browser Link for steps
IE 11

If this does not resolve your issue, please let us know and send any further screenshots or details that might help us troubleshoot!

Now - to your actual question! 

While Calendly does block some domains, an email domain should absolutely not be causing issues, so that won’t be the trick! When you say that it’s your “forwarded email address” what exactly do you mean? If this is not the email address that you use to login to Calendly and you are having your email confirmations forwarded from your login email address to your email address, then the issue is going to lie within the forwarding filter you have set up within the settings of the email domain/account that you use to login to Calendly. While that would be outside of our troubleshooting capabilities, technically (!), if you don’t mind responding to let me know what email domain you use to log into Calendly - I can try to find some relevant support articles and other info to provide you to help, anyway! 

If the confirmation emails are not arriving in your Calendly login email, that is an issue that we can absolutely help with, while our support team is best suited for this (as they can use specific tools to access deliverability information about your confirmation emails). Have you searched your email for 

Let me know about all of this - and I’ll be here to assist further once I have more info! =) 

  1. I have other tabs open so I cannot do this right now. This also shouldn’t be required to use a website.
  2. I tried this on Firefox and it had the same result (blank space under “How can we help you?”)
  3. I tried Safari on iOS and have the same issue as Firefox on desktop
  4. I regularly update them (and they alert me when they do)
  5. See (3)

Note that your reply also doesn’t show on Safari on iOS, there’s just a pair of horizontal lines underneath my reply. It does show in Firefox on desktop, which is how I’m responding.


When you say that it’s your “forwarded email address” what exactly do you mean?


The email address forwards to my regular gmail address.

calendly → →

If this is not the email address that you use to login to Calendly and you are having your email confirmations forwarded from your login email address to your email address, then the issue is going to lie within the forwarding filter you have set up within the settings of the email domain/account that you use to login to Calendly.


I spent 40 minutes on the phone with the IT department and they and a supervisor claim there is no filtering. There is no option to enable (or disable) filtering in the controls available to me for the alum forwarding.

While that would be outside of our troubleshooting capabilities, technically (!), if you don’t mind responding to let me know what email domain you use to log into Calendly - I can try to find some relevant support articles and other info to provide you to help, anyway!


I use my peasteven at gmail dot com address to sign into calendly, but the issue is with my spease at ucla dot edu email address. This is coming up when I attempt to schedule with someone else’s calendly, I have my calendly set to send to my email address.

If the confirmation emails are not arriving in your Calendly login email, that is an issue that we can absolutely help with, while our support team is best suited for this (as they can use specific tools to access deliverability information about your confirmation emails). Have you searched your email for


I did, I only see notifications sent directly to my address.

Hey there @spease - thanks for the thorough response!

I am so glad that you mentioned this issue takes place when you are the invitee booking via someone else’s Calendly account. This likely means that something is going wrong on their end, not yours. They will need to reach out themselves to our support team to troubleshoot this issue, as I cannot dig into it for them on your behalf nor would it actually help you! 

Please let them know you are not receiving booking confirmations when booking with their Calendly page and have them reach out to us, if possible. Otherwise - I really am sorry I cannot be of more help right now! 

In the meantime, you might attempt booking via another Calendly account with your email address that seems to successfully receive your own booking confirmations for your Calendly account to see if that makes a difference. If it does - then we’d be back to a potential issue with your email address. If you’d like to test this out, feel free to book a test event for yourself on my own test/staging event here

P.s. while I understand it’s frustrating, regularly clearing cache/cookies is something that often needs to be done for many reasons across all browser types/devices. While you’re noticing issues with one website right now, there will likely be issues with others if you don’t do this sometime soon! Waiting until you are not actively working with open tabs is perfectly reasonable - but I am confident it’s worth trying and will likely clear up your inability to reach out to support (should you need them in the near future). I’m sorry it’s inconvenient, though!