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  • 14 January 2024
  • 1 reply

First: Sorry, my english is not so good, i hope you understand my problem.


If my guests want to book an appointment, they get an email from my private google-emailadress. Don’t know where calendly get this email from. Perhaps from the calender which is checking my free date…

Where can i change the emailadresse from which my clients get their commitment.

Hi @Melanie!

You’ve done a perfect job at explaining your problem. 😁

It sounds like you may have Calendly setup to add events to your personal calendar instead of your work calendar. You can check that setting here: Look under ‘Add to calendar’ and make sure it’s the email address and calendar you would expect it to be.

You can also change your Calendly settings to use a no-reply email address if you’d prefer. The downside to this setting is users might not recognize the email address at all (it comes from Calendly) or it could possibly end up in a spam folder (unlikely, but a possibility).

Let us know if you need any other help!